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Sunday School

Adult Classes
People gather every Sunday morning at 9:45 a.m.  to 10:30 a.m. to explore God's word.  Bob Lockwood faithfully leads this group and  also brings great goodies to each class.  ​



​Church Nursery

We treasure our children and welcome them to worship with their parents.  When parents do want a safe, nurturing and happy place  for their children during worship,  our nursery offers just that!  Infants through Pre-K  will be under the care of  our nursery attendant, Leah Powell.  Their space is clean, bright and filled with age-appropriate activities and  toys. 


Children's Church

​Some families want to worship together.  Other families like to have an option for their children during worship.  Either is fine with us! 


Following the children's sermon, children in grades kindergarten  through 5th may go to Children's Church.  There they will find a fun time of learning and activity designed especially for them.





Our teens are grounded in their faith and are equipped to take that faith with them into college or career through qualtity Christian education, fellowship activities and opportunities for mission and service.


Vacation Bible  School

​All children going into  K through 5th grade enjoy and have their spirits lifted at VBS held in the summer each year.  See our events calendar on the home page for the dates and times of this year's VBS.


Child Protection Policy

All activities involving children are in compliance with our Child Protection Policy.  We take the safety and well-being of your children very seriously.  A copy of the policy is available through the church office.

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