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Warner Robins, GA
Westminster Presbyterian is blessed to have the wonderful Mrs. Judy Lockwood at the organ each Sunday as our music director and our choir director. The music on Sunday mornings is a blend of the great hymns of our faith, the best of contemporary Christian music, the songs of our childhood and the simple choruses of Taize and Iona.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir leads us in Sunday worship from September through May, with a needed break in the summer. This break allows individuals to share their vocal and instrumental gifts during the summer. The choir usually meets for practice on Wednesday nights from 7:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. We welcome new voices!
​People Reaching Out
We are called by God to love our neighbor as ourselves! We live that command by supporting with our time and energy, as well as our tithes ......
Family Promise Cherished Children
Habitat for Humanity Backpack Buddies
The Soup Kitchen
Shirley Hills Elementary School
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